For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you— that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.
Romans 1:11-12

Her smile and her life say welcome.
I often wonder if she knew what her yes would really mean.
She’s not hosting a quiet ladies tea.
We’re a rag-tag bunch, piling in each week with a litter of littles in tow.
We fill her floors with crumbs, her ears with stories, and her trash can with diapers.
We aren’t always on time or in our right minds, but we gather just the same.
We share laughs and tears and occasionally toys.
The time is fragmented and noisy and needed.
Somehow between mediating little scuffles and wiping little bottoms it happens.
A week of cobwebs clear and I see.
Really see.

It’s so easy to turn inward – to cocoon too much.
Some days just the thought of herding to the car after breakfast makes me tired.
But I need this.
I need them.
I  need to know I’m not the only momma who is still learning how to be a momma.
I need to know I’m not the only one who’s house and heart get messy.
I need to be reminded to press into joy and Jesus.

We leave sticky handprints and crumbs and better for the time shared.
Even when I come empty,
in the pouring out of community, I am filled to overflowing.
What grace…

p.s. If you have a few moments: Why It’s Worth Sharing Our Messy Stories {The Gypsy Mama}

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