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I’ve been compiling a list of age-appropriate chores for our preschooler. Some of them can be done independently, and some will require my supervision. Some chores are everyday chores and others will only be done as needed. I decided on chore cards instead of a chart to guide her through her tasks, since they will vary each day. I wanted something visual so that she can work independently and momma doesn’t have to nag nudge her along. I had so much fun creating these tiny sketches for her. I’ve completed seventeen cards so far, but there will be more. (If there’s a chore you’d like to add, tell me in the comments and I’ll do my best to add it with the next batch.) Here is the list of age appropriate chores for young children that I’ve compiled so far:

AGES 2-3
pull up bed covers (at this stage it’s about building habits – not aesthetics)
put toys away
fold wash cloths
silverware in dishwasher
carry dishes to sink
feed and water animals with help
sweep / mop
pick weeds
collect dirty laundry
simple errands around the house (“please bring mommy the _________”)
help pack lunches

AGES 4 – 5
replace hand towels
unload clothes from the dryer
match socks
clean windows
wipe bathroom sinks / counters
tote laundry baskets
fold towels
water plants
put away groceries
help with lawn care
help wash car
make bed
set and clear the table
wipe baseboards / low cabinet doors
dirty clothes in hamper
sort clean clothes (by family member)
hang clothes on hangers
put away clean clothes (pjs, socks, etc)
help load the dishwasher

free printable chore cards

Each morning, I’ll insert the cards for the day into a little photo book (the dollar store variety) so she can carry it around with her while she does her tasks. If the book keeps disappearing, we might end up with in the kitchen labeled “TO DO” and “DONE”. They could also be turned into magnets for the fridge. I’ll let you know how it goes.

To get your free printable chore cards, right-click on each image below and save it to your computer. Print as an 8×10 or smaller for best print quality. Want to share? I’d be honored, but PLEASE use the first image at the top of the post and PLEASE link back to this post. These are for personal use only. Thanks so much!
handsketched chore cards 1

handsketched chore cards 2

handsketched chore cards 3

linking to:
One Project at a Time
Tip Me Tuesday
The Weekly Kids’ Co-op

S E E   A L S O. . .

kitchen cleaning: green tips and tricks

Image Map

*  *  *  get your  F R E E   P R I N T A B L E   B L O G   P L A N N E R   here *  *  *